


1: “Top people go where the standards are the highest,” business philosopher Jim Rohn would say.

If we want to attract and keep people, “treat them like a crack team, with clear standards and disciplines that we insist on every single day,” writes Brian Tracy in his book Sales Management, “The very best salespeople perform at the highest levels when they are working in a tightly organized, well-disciplined sales … continue reading

1: Our leadership team has gathered for our quarterly strategic planning meeting.  

We’ve done a check-in.  We’ve reviewed our annual goals for the year.  We’ve had a frank discussion about what’s working and what needs to change.  We’ve taken what we learned over the past quarter to come up with quarterly goals that will put us in a position to achieve our annual plan.

The next step is critical and perhaps unexpected.… continue reading

Getting better at getting better is what Rise With Drew is all about.

Monday through Thursday, we explore ideas from authors, thought leaders, and exemplary organizations. On Friday, I share something about myself or what we are working on at PCI.

This past summer, we received some exciting news.  Fortune magazine named PCI the #55 Best Medium Workplace in the U.S. This represented the achievement of our long-term … continue reading

1: Imagine.  We are starting a new company.  What are the key ingredients to ensure success?  Thorough market research?  A good plan?  A solid strategy?  

“In earlier eras, these things were indicators of likely success,” writes Eric Ries in The Lean Startup.  “The overwhelming temptation is to apply them to startups too, but this doesn’t work, because startups operate with too much uncertainty.”

Startups live in a VUCA world: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.

“Startups … continue reading