
Savoring: A New Model o Positive Experience


When we practice the art of savoring, do we get better at savoring?

Last week, we looked at how we can learn to savor the meaningful experiences in our lives.  We start by being 100% present with the experience.  We focus our attention as narrowly as possible on what is happening at this moment.  We deliberately choose not to multi-task and to let go of distracting thoughts and ongoing esteem or social … continue reading

Last week, we looked at how Fred Bryant savored a real-life “mountain top” moment.

Savoring is: “The capacity to attend to, appreciate, and enhance the positive experiences in one’s life,” Fred and his co-author Joseph Veroff write in Savoring: A New Model o Positive Experience.

When we savor an experience, we call forth feelings of joy, gratitude, pride, awe, or pleasure.  Savoring also enhances our sense of connection with … continue reading