


1: Getting better at getting better is what RiseWithDrew is all about.

Monday through Thursday, we explore ideas from authors, thought leaders, and exemplary organizations. On Friday, I share something about myself or what we are working on at PCI.

One area where I am trying to get better is implementing what philosopher Brian Johnson calls the “PM Routine.”

Step one, Brian tells us, is to create a “bright line” … continue reading

Getting better at getting better is what RiseWithDrew is all about.

Monday through Thursday, we explore ideas from authors, thought leaders, and exemplary organizations. On Friday, I share something about myself or what we are working on at PCI.

One of my goals this year is to get better at time blocking.

I first learned about time blocking many years ago when I had the opportunity to participate in the … continue reading

1: “What do you want to be doing in your later decades?”

“What is your plan for the rest of your life?” 

These are the questions Dr. Peter Attia asks his clients to answer in his terrific book Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity. 

He wants them to reflect.  To sketch out their future. 

Most of us have watched our parents or grandparents getting older.  Beginning in their … continue reading

1: There is a big difference between perfectionism and optimization.

Perfection is the distant star we can never reach.

Philosopher Brian Johnson has a year-long Heroic Coach program that focuses on Optimizing.

The person who is mistake-free is sitting around doing nothing, Brian tells us.

As professional optimizers, we accept our imperfections. We have high standards. But we accept ourselves, and we accept reality.

Our commitment? To do our absolute … continue reading

1: “There is one specific hour—the ‘sweet spot’ of our day—that has the biggest impact on both our short-term and long-term success,” Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy write in The Gap and The Gain: The High Achiever’s Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success.

“What we do during this one hour has effects that far outweigh what we do with the other hours of your day,” they write. “It … continue reading

1: “Early-stage passion doesn’t look like late-stage passion,” Steven Kotler writes in The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer.

Imagine LeBron James as “a little kid standing in front of a big hoop, trying to get his shots to drop,” Steven writes. “On the front end, passion is nothing more than the overlap of multiple curiosities coupled to a few wins.”

Sure, to be passionate, we want to … continue reading

1: DO THE HARD THING reads the sign above author Steven Kotler‘s desk.

Yes, the phrase is “a great reminder to attack life’s challenges,” but that’s not the point, he writes in The Art of the Impossible.

Its “real function is much smaller: It’s to remind me to do one extra item on my to-do list before I take my first break,” he writes.  

“If my day’s first … continue reading

1: As leaders, one of our most important roles is to unlock the full potential of each person on our teams.

One of the best ways to release this potential is to organize “Quality Circles,” Brian Tracy writes in his terrific book Sales Management.

This practice involves gathering our team for a specific one-hour time block each week to focus on a single question to drive “continuous and never-ending … continue reading

1: Getting better at getting better is what RiseWithDrew is all about.

Monday through Thursday, we explore ideas from authors, thought leaders, and exemplary organizations. On Friday, I share something about myself or what we are working on at PCI.

In last Friday’s video, we created our “Life’s Board of Directors.”  We were intentional about identifying those individuals who have influenced our lives.  

Who believed in us.  Who were … continue reading