
October 2020


Jeff Liker is considered one of the leading experts on how work gets done at Toyota.  

Over the years, thousands of companies have attempted to implement Toyota’s ideas around lean manufacturing which is at the heart of the fabled “Toyota Way,” writes Robert E. Quinn in his book The Deep Change Field Guide.  Implementing lean involves eliminating waste through a process of continuous improvement.

Yet, according to … continue reading

Some years back there was a problem at one of the military academies.  Some of the students were cheating on their exams.

The senior officers believed that corruption in society was to blame, writes Robert E. Quinn in his terrific book The Deep Change Field Guide: “They argued that by the time some eighteen-year-olds arrived at the academy they were irredeemable.”

Robert had been invited to a meeting of … continue reading

The executives at General Motors had had enough.

It was 1982. General Motors’ Fremont auto assembly plant was in crisis. The plant ranked at the bottom of the GM’s quality and productivity metrics.  Absenteeism was high.  Costs were 30 percent higher than GM’s Japanese competitors. Sales and overall customer satisfaction with the Chevy Nova which was manufactured in Fremont were poor and getting worse.   

But that wasn’t the worst of … continue reading

“Hello, Peter, this is Bill.”

Presidential candidate Bill Clinton was calling Peter Guber, CEO of Sony Pictures.  

It was early 1992.  Bill was being pummeled in the media for allegations of sexual infidelity.  He had just lost the New Hampshire primary.  Not since 1952 had a candidate won the presidency without first winning New Hampshire.  

Bill was desperate: he needed to raise $90,000 by the end of the day … continue reading

It was opening night.  There was a line out the door of the restaurant as people clamored to get inside.

The famous restaurateur Wolfgang Puck had been in Atlanta all week, writes Peter Guber in his terrific book Tell to Win.  Wolfgang wanted to make sure his staff were properly trained and understood the standard of excellence Wolfgang was famous for.

The results were impressive.  The restaurant more than doubled … continue reading

One night, Hollywood mogul Peter Guber stopped by the Border Grill in Los Angeles.  

What happened next surprised him.

First, he took a bite of his fish taco.  “The taste blew me away,” he writes in Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story. 

Then, his waiter noticed the look on his face and remarked, “You know, there is an adventure in that taco.”

This week … continue reading