
Brene Brown


Stephen Covey‘s concept of empathic listening involves many of the topics we’ve explored the past several weeks.

We began with Brene Brown’s insight that empathy is different from sympathy, in the 8th Habit, Stephen observes sympathy is often a form of judgment.  People feed on sympathy.  It makes them dependent.

Empathy, in contrast, involves both parties looking at the problem, issue, or feeling.  We are on the same … continue reading

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Professor Brené Brown tells us it is the difference between “feeling for” and “feeling with.” 

Feeling sorry for someone is different than feeling sorry with them.

Brené believes empathy drives connection.  Sympathy ultimately drives disconnection.

Empathy creates a sacred space.  It is a choice, a vulnerable choice, Brené says.  Because we have to connect with something in ourselves that knows that feeling.… continue reading

“Who is responsible for the mediocre performance of so many of our institutions?” Robert Greenleaf asks in The Servant as Leader.

His answer is surprising.

“Not evil people. Not stupid people. Not apathetic people. Not the “system,’” Robert writes.  “The better society will come, if it comes, with plenty of evil, stupid, apathetic people around and with an imperfect, ponderous, inertia-charged “system” as the vehicle for change.” 

The real … continue reading