
Live a Loving Life


This week, we’ve been exploring cancer and cancer treatment as outlined by Dr. Peter Attia in his book Outlive. Many of us have been impacted by cancer.

Below are eight reflections from my friend, mentor, and coach, Dr. Danny Friedland, who passed away 2 1/2 years ago after a year-long battle with brain cancer.

Following Danny’s death, a moving memorial service was held in his backyard. Here are … continue reading

I’ve been thinking about my friend, mentor, and coach, Dr. Danny Friedland, who passed away 18 months ago after a year-long battle with brain cancer. Following Danny’s death, there was a moving memorial service for him in his backyard. Here are eight brief reflections.

1: “Live a loving life” was Danny’s invitation to all who knew him. His purpose was to “scale” the giving of love. He encouraged … continue reading