


If our goal is to create a masterpiece day, where do we start?

According to philosopher Brian Johnson, we begin with our nighttime practices and habits.  What he calls our “PM Bookend.”

Step one, Brian tells us, is to create a “bright line” between the end of our work day and our family or personal time.

“Shutdown complete,” Brian calls it.  He suggests we decide when and how we will … continue reading

It’s the end of week one of #LeadWithDrew. Each week my plan is to do a deep dive into a different topic and this week we’ve been looking at some of the key take-aways from Brian Johnson’s Optimize Mastery series. Brian aims to take the very best of ancient wisdom and practical science to teach us how to flourish, to live life according to our virtues.

Brian tells us step … continue reading

Aristotle tells us that to flourish as human beings we need targets.  We need goals.

This week we’re reviewing some of the key lessons from Brian Johnson’s Optimize Mastery course. Today’s lesson is: Happy people have projects.  That’s step one.  

In choosing goals we want to aim for something just beyond our comfort zone.  If it’s too easy, that’s boring.  If it’s way too challenging, we lose interest. Essentially, we’re … continue reading