Getting better at getting better is what RiseWithDrew is all about.

Monday through Thursday we explore ideas from authors and thought leaders.  On Friday, I share something we are doing at PCI in our quest to earn a spot of Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For.  In the world.

Last Friday, we looked at why great organizations focus on “who” before “where.”

As Jim Collins shares: They get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus before they decide where to drive the bus.  

In other words, to make our organizations better, we need to focus tremendous effort and energy on hiring great people.

The question then becomes: What makes a person great?  

That’s the challenge with the word “great”: if we ask 100 people for their definition of the word great, we likely will get dozens of different answers.  

At PCI, we have a very specific definition of the word “great.”

Someone is great for us, if and only if, that person shares our values.  

Before we ever look at someone’s resume or evaluate their experience, we begin by assessing whether this person shares our values.  Someone could be the greatest salesperson or editor or software developer in the world.  If he or she doesn’t share our values, we are not interested.  

Period.  Hard stop.

How do we assess if someone is a values fit?

First, we worked with Professor Blake Hargrove, a PhD in Organizational Behavior, to design an online survey that specifically evaluates how aligned prospective associates are with our five values.

Second, our screening and subsequent interviews are specifically designed to gauge if someone shares our values.

If the answer is yes, we then assess on skills, talent, experience, and passion.


Reflection:  How might we better use our values in our hiring process?  

Action: Start a discussion with my team or a colleague to map out a plan.

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